Christian” from the album Controversy (1981)
Fundamentalism and fanaticism are not
the same thing. Fundamentalism is a belief in a religious idea that
places a holy text(s) as the absolute truth above science or anything
else. Fanaticism is different because it is marked by excessive
enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion to an idea (Calhoun,
2004). Usually this devotion is to a religious or political worldview
but it can be found in just about every sphere of human activity
including social activism, the military and all forms of
entertainment (for example, football hooligans in Europe) (Paskins,
2005). Fanaticism can be good or bad depending on the motivations for
why the person is acting fanatically. If someone fanatically defends
someone's right to free speech (even if the speech contradicts their
beliefs) or if someone channels their fanaticism for the music created by an elfin musician from Minneapolis, MN into a psychology blog, those are examples of positive fanaticism. The slave abolitionists in
the 1800's and women suffragists of the 1900's are other examples of
positive fanaticism. Anne Christian however is a song that addresses
the negative forms of this phenomenon.
All fanaticism starts off with a little
egoism (Calhoun, 2004) as does this song, Annie Christian wanted
to be number 1. The fanatic
believes that they have the truth, that their way of thinking is the
ONLY right way. Whether it be the sports team they support or the
faith they live by. The height of arrogance is for a person to
believe that they alone have the truth, all the answers to life and
those who think differently from them or not just wrong but are
beneath them. This type of thinking can often lead to all types of
distorted, unhealthy thinking (Paskins, 2005). The fanatic usually
estimates themselves higher than what they actually are, The
way Annie tells the story, she's His only son.
We see the delusion has begun to take over Annie's mind. I'm not sure
if Prince did this intentionally but by saying she's his
only son I think he is trying to
show us that she has gone off the deep end thinking she is male or
more specifically Jesus incarnate.
share some similar characteristics, the first of which is an
uncompromising conviction about the way they view the world, they
believe that their understanding is the absolute truth (Calhoun,
2004). Thinking you are God's only son
is a sure sign that you believe you have the ultimate truth. Another
similarity they share is actively imposing their convictions on other
people. We see this regularly with religious cults, a fundamental
goal of all cults is to make the world accept their faith system or
else (Lundskow, 2008). The Branch Dravidian and Westboro Baptist
Church cults are good examples of this. An us vs. them worldview is
common among fanatics (Calhoun, 2004). An
example of this is the FBI's ABSCAM (Arab Scam) sting operation. In a
nutshell what happened was in the 70's Congress started investigating
national complaints of police brutality. The FBI in retaliation
targeted members of Congress who were active in this investigation
with the ABSCAM. Undercover FBI agents would approach the Congressmen
with an opportunity to illegally invest in Casinos in New Jersey
(FBI, 2005). The company behind building the casinos was a made up
Arabian oil company. The Congressmen took the bait and went to jail,
or as this song succinctly puts it, Liar Liar Liar! got ya
in a jam, put your head on the block, somebody say ABSCAM!
Instead of fixing their police brutality problem the FBI saw this as
an attack that justified their us vs. them mentality, their actions
prove it. They fanatically defended the shield.
Annie Christian is clearly an
amalgamation of many different fanatics but the character nicely
demonstrates all the negative characteristics of this group of
people. The last trait I want to share is the willingness to die and
kill for one's beliefs. Mark David Chapman and John Hinckley shot
John Lennon and Ronald Reagan, respectfully. Here, Prince makes it
clear that he is using this song to talk about the fanaticism in the
world when he ascribes these two shootings to Annie, She killed
John Lennon, shot him down cold, she tried to kill Reagan.
With those lines the amalgamation is complete. Extremism is like
being bite by a poisonous insect. Often times the person doesn't
realize that they have been bitten. There might be a rash or some
other non-lethal sign of the trouble that is to come. But by the time
it is realized that they have been bitten the only thing that can be
done is for that person to live with it until they die. This is the
fate of a true fanatic (Calhoun, 2004). Annie Christian,
Annie Christ!
Calhoun, L. (2004). An
anatomy of fanaticism. Peace Review, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2004, pp.
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
(2005). "A byte out of history: Remembering the lessons of
Lundskow, G. (2008) The
sociology of religion: A substantive and transdisciplinary approach.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
Paskins, B. (2005). Fanaticism in
the modern era. Fanaticism and Conflict in the Modern Age.
Hughes, M., & Johnson, G. (eds.). London: Frank Cass Publishers,
pp. 7-18.
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